Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Once you accept the science

(cough cough choke) You can accept the fact that they are still using GWB as a whipping post and decrying the state of the planet, even as we go into the coldest September in recent memory.
John Kerry has written an op-ed for the Huffington Post comparing the inaction in response to a heating planet to the inaction of President Bush before September 11th.

Kerry reaches deep into the bag of global warming hysterics to uncork this piece, saying that the fate of the nation hinges upon the passing of some sort ofclimate change legislation.

Right wingers are terrorists

Yeah, especially on 9.11. I don't know about you, but 9.11 is a sacred date for me. I don't consider it time for tomfoolery. Read it at NewsBusters:
On Monday, Jonah Goldberg at The Corner forwarded a shocking page from the Organizing for America website (mybarackobama.com) that promoted setting aside 9/11 as a day to call Senators to pass a Public Option as they “fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists.” They also suggest conservatives are "the heirs of yes, bin Laden."

Monday, August 17, 2009

Man on the street quoted in NYT

So how does the "man on the street" get quoted in the NYT? Does the reporter go down to the "street" and randomly ask someone passing by the paper? Hm. Why do that when you can ask the reporter at the desk next to you or...call a former reporter...or ask your best friend who, not surprisingly, thinks the same way you do about something. Read about it here at PowerLine:
Several years ago we noted the emergence of a remarkable phenomenon: a New Yorker, whose name I can't readily find, had been quoted in newspaper articles as a "man in the street" something like 150 or 200 times. How does that happen?

This morning's "Public Editor" column in the New York Times sheds light on how "random" Americans get quoted or cited in newspapers:

Last Monday, a front-page article said that technology -- e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, texting and the like -- has completely altered family routines at the start of the day, creating tensions in many households. Like similar trend stories, it began with an example: the Gude family of East Lansing, Mich. -- Karl and Dorsey and their two teenagers.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Meow....the unwashed masses rebel

She has some good points, but contempt for the average citizen drips from Robin Givhan's language. Read at the WP:
The assemblies have the look of a lone bean-counter and a throng of unhappy workers. Visually, there's nothing to indicate we-are-all-in-this-together. It's an odd juxtaposition, given that during campaigns, politicians are quick to roll up their sleeves or slip into a Carhartt jacket when making a sales pitch to the working masses. The point of the clothing change is to indicate empathy and solidarity. Instead, for these town halls, the legislators have been going out in full Washington regalia. (President Obama has been photographed dressed more casually in the Oval Office than he was for his recent question-and-answer session with the regular Joes of New Hampshire.)
Washington's power brokers have suited up to underscore their authority and the seriousness of the subject matter. And bully for them. But their attire also says: I am the boss of you. All those howling citizens -- in their T-shirts and ball caps and baggy shorts -- are saying: No, you're not.

Drinking the Kool-Aid

Read it at NY Daily News:

The video ofHillary Clintonpeevishly snapping at a student questioner in theCongowas the meltdown seen 'round the world. But that undiplomatic moment was hardly her worst on theAfricaswing.

The real clunker came with her pathetic attempt to compareNigeria's corrupt and violent 2007 elections to the contested 2000 American presidential results.

In equating the two, the secretary of state echoesPresident Obama's sour apologia tours around the globe. Either he's writing her speeches now or Clinton's drinking theWhite HouseKool-Aid. Neither is appealing.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Race talk ratcheted up

Read it at Hot Air (Follow THIS link):
Here’s my question: At the end of the HuffPo piece, he’s quoted tsk-tsking at the House GOP for not formally denouncing the swastika aimed at David Scott — as if the Republican Party’s supposed to take collective responsibility for something done by one anonymous nut whose party affiliation we don’t even know. If the GOP’s supposed to do that, how come it’s not similarly incumbent upon our blessed savior, the avatar of Hopenchange, to say a discouraging word or two about the insane amount of demagoguery and demonization pouring out of his own party right now? And I don’t mean the stuff coming from nutroots blogs; I’m talking about the Senate majority leader mumbling about evil-mongers” and the Speaker of the House wringing her hands about swastikas and other congressmen warning of brown shirts” andpolitical terrorists and now this from Clyburn. The rhetoric from the Democratic leadership has turned completely poisonous, yet The One won’t open his mouth to calm it down. How come, champ? Are we playing good cop/bad cop again with these cretins? Exit question: How come this didn’t earn any Bull Connor analogies back in the days when protest was still patriotic?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The emergence of a ruling class

crossposted at our sister site, Tea Party at Perrysburg

It became clear to me today.

The media are missing a significant piece of the puzzle when it comes to covering what is happening across the United States. They cover the town halls and demonstrations in sound bites, moving quickly to elite panel discussions of how rude and discourteous taxpayers are being to their elected representatives, how this rudeness does not advance true discourse, how they are ruining their own arguments because no one can hear above the screaming, how the rudeness perhaps masks racism against the President of the United States.

Well, fine. Washington's not been listening anyway. That's why we're screaming. What have we got to lose, at this point?

The truth is this: we're not just protesting the government takeover of health care.

We're protesting the blatant and audacious emergence of a ruling class.

We don't like it. It is un-American. And unconstitutional.

Those of us who are conservative, a MAJORITY in this country, by our very nature do not protest. We do not get into people's faces. We do not march on Washington.

In the past, we didn't anyway.

We just paid the bills, made the mortgage on time, rolled our eyes when we saw healthy young couples buy steak with food stamps, groaned when we paid our taxes every spring and pursed our lips as we watched liberals try to steal God from every nook and cranny of our lives.

Some of us voted for the first black president, gladly and with great hope.

Many of us voted reluctantly for a so-called maverick, who seemed to be more of a tool of the left than a guard of principles and conservatism, labeled a maverick only because he sided too eagerly with the left at times. We tolerated him, held our noses and went ahead and voted for him. Some of us stayed home.

It's true that 9/11 changed us. It struck deep in the hearts and minds of people who love this country.

Many young people responded to an enemy who threatens to swallow our way of life, who hates everything about us: our way of life, our love of country, our clothing, our music and, most of all, our religion. The young people see and understand the threat.

But still we did not stand up to the emerging ruling class. We hung flags, sent packages to our brave ones overseas, quietly went about our business sporting our patriotic bumper stickers and t-shirts, paid the bills and hoped for the best.

So why did the tea parties begin? What happened that snapped the attention of so many traditionally mute, law-abiding citizens?

I was talking to a liberal friend of mine one day and mentioned that I had attended a tax day tea party. He mocked me and sneered, "Nobody's raised taxes! You don't even understand the history of our country. You're protesting something that hasn't happened yet."

Ironically, President Bush is the one who started this revolt with the stimulus package.

"It must be done now!" they cried. "We must hire this [tax cheat] to run our finances and we must spend 200, 400, no EIGHT HUNDRED BILLION dollars to shore up our economy."

And where will we get this money?

Why, we'll print it, of course.

In circulation at the time this demand was made was $800 billion.


On April 15, 2009, we knew that the taxes we were paying now are only the beginning. And the economy is resting on lacy porous bones.

We watched as Washington appointed dozens of czars outside the purview of any watchdog or accountability, had staffers write thousands of pages of legislation in the most obtuse language they themselves refused to read, and rammed it all through as quickly as possible before we could put down our cheese sandwiches and reach for the phone.

We watched as billions of dollars were thrown at companies with connections, while local auto dealers who had faithfully served their communities were cut off, bankrupted; we watched while people who had bought houses they couldn't afford were rewarded, and people who ran up credit card charges in excess of $10,000 were bailed out by our tax dollars. Why do I pay my mortgage, we asked.

The ruling class flies around the world on important missions, such as investigating global warming, in jets that spew thousands of gallons of fuel into the atmosphere, and ride around in their SUVS and limousines while advising us, the little people, to unplug our phone chargers from the wall and ride bicycles to work.

We watched while they voted each of their offices another $92,000 apiece in "petty" cash.

We watched their carefully staged and choreographed events whose purpose was to delude us into believing that things were all good, that everyone was in on the gig, that all change was good and that hope was still in store even as billions of dollars were routed toward crooked groups like ACORN and union thugs took over the once thriving auto industry. Under investigation in a dozen states, these groups are privileged recipients of our hard earned dollars, dollars representative of the time it took us to earn them., our lives.

So the cracks began with the stimulus package, which had even liberal taxpayers saying, "Gee, lots of earmarks in that package."

Regardless of the will of the people, the sneering ruling class patted themselves on the back, celebrated with raised glasses and rushed the bill through with an urgency that was so immediate that, say, a President would surely sign it immediately when it hit his desk, rather than take his wife out to dinner in Chicago first.

Oh, wait.

Then they went to cap and trade. Billions and billions of dollars in taxes, regulations and restrictions in the way we live our lives. A few of us caught on, and we jammed the switchboards in Washington.

To no avail.

But then they reached too far. They reached directly into our daily lives to our health care.

Why? Because they could. And because this way they can complete the cycle of social engineering that is at the root of these legislations.

You're dumb for thinking government health care will end in euthanasia, they said, even though that is happening in Europe and the state of Oregon and the government is planning to meet with seniors every 5 years to discuss their end of life plans (hint hint).

You're deceived if you think government health care will lead to more abortions, even though it's in the bill.

You're a tool of the Republican party, the ruling class declared, as if those nitwits are organized enough to get THOUSANDS of people out for rallies for the Constitution and town hall meetings. Ha. Can you imagine?

They mocked us by saying, "But if you're on Medicare, you're already on government health care and SEE? It's not so bad." Yeah, except we heard you want to partially dismantle Medicare to pay for this other BIG government boondoggle. And many of us use Medicare as supplemental, not primary, insurance.

You're being foolish, they said, if you believe that health procedures will be limited or controlled under government health care.

Except that the whole point of government health care is to save money, isn't it? ISN"T IT? And how do you do that without cutting?

By building parks and controlling our diets so we can all be physically fit and not get sick anymore? Those millions of baby boomers who are going to be taking their places as senior citizens will need to be supported by the younger workers in our society and you're going to CUT the costs of health care when they emerge on the scene as the largest segment of the population?

The President himself (or is it Himself) said you might be more comfortable taking a pain pill rather than having the procedure. His advisor, another Emanuel, believes health care should be determined by quality of life.

And who will determine that?

The ruling class doesn't want to drive out private insurance or tell you what doctor you must have, they claim, but it's too late. We're more informed than you are, we have YouTube now, and we've seen the President saying, with our own lyin' eyes, that the goal is universal single payer health care, yes, just like Canada, where you have to wait months to even get a doctor, where a movie star just died because they didn't have the equipment to handle her injury and where cats can get MRIs before people can.

We've had it.

Especially knowing YOU, the ruling class, will not even sign a commitment to enroll yourselves and your family in the same health care plan you want to herd all of us, the commoners, the peasants, the bourgeoisie, into.

So we took to the streets with our homemade (not mass produced) signs and our cheerful boos and our resistance to Nancy Pelosi's $550 million jets to sport her, the Democrats and the Republicans around the world and we started screaming, "Liar!"

We've been punched, slighted, abused, mocked and laughed at for believing in the founding principles of this country.

Last night even the beloved Charles Krauthammer said our noisy protests are losing the battle. That the ruling class is winning because we are so uncivil.

No, dear Charles, a paradigm shift is reorienting this country. We have had it, and we know no other way to protest than this. We're screaming because we AREN'T organized and being told how to do this.

We're screaming and booing because YOU AREN'T HEARING WHAT WE ARE SAYING. You won't listen beyond your talking points. Instead you hold "telephone conferences" for people you invite and then have the local newspaper print the results. What a joke.

You HAVE to say we are shills for some organization because you don't want to believe what's happening. You don't want to see that we aren't going back to the way it was and that scares the ruling class as much as 1789 France.

This country does NOT have a ruling class, no matter how much you cheat to make it so.


And, HEY, have you read the Declaration of Independence lately?

It's a pretty revolutionary document, ya know?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

When you're not in control, you swear.

To intimidate, blast 'em with every swear word you can think of.
As reported by the Wall Street Journal, Geithner directed an expletive-laden critique at the heads of the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, the SEC, and other agencies.

One source familiar with the meeting said, “It was a sh*t storm."

Friday, July 31, 2009

Funny and NOT political

The ruling class deserves the BEST

Ugh. Congress. Read it at Sweetness and Light:
Members and staffers regularly grab free food at the continual receptions down the hall or across the street. They live on canapés, cheese and crackers, prime rib, chocolate mousse. Their waistlines expand, but they just buy new clothes, and besides, nobody notices or mentions the result. We’re doing important work here!

The few members inclined to be healthy have access to a House or Senate gym with showers and cut-up fresh fruit. If they need to stay late at work, a cafeteria with a whole crew must, by law, stay to feed them (subsidized by taxpayers). If they travel beyond this tiny and exclusive universe, they are driven, flown and “handled.” And if, heaven forbid, members fall ill, they have access to the best medical care and health insurance in the country. There are even medical offices in the Capitol where members and staffers have access to doctors or nurses as needed at no cost to them. Of course, they work hard and deserve this kind of care.

Joe Biden said WHAT?

Yes, it's true. There's a new blog celebrating the sayings of Joe Biden, gaffe king of the world.

Guess that private dinner with Obama didn't make Krauthammer a fan

As always, Charles Krauthammer remains an articulate and intelligent voice amidst the current chaos. Follow this link to read it here:
The reason we are in this stew is because the dogs won't eat the dog food. You can sell it and have a pretty can, as people learn about it — that's the reason it's [failing].

It's not because of tactics—it is not because Obama stayed out of it or he is overexposed or underexposed. It's not because of personalities—it's not because Teddy Kennedy isn't there or Tom Daschle.

It is because of the numbers and the facts. And when the CBO, the non-partisan budget office, came in with the real numbers, the plan died.

Why were charges against the Black Panthers dropped?

So apparently, even though the case was won AGAINST the Black Panthers, the charges were not only dropped, but the offending parties will be allowed to "poll watch" again at the same locations where they terrorized voters with paramilitary outfits, billy clubs and offensive name-calling.

Mr. Welch claimed one reason the charges against Mr. Jackson were dropped was that "he was a resident of the apartment building where the polling place was located," and thus allowed to be there. Mr. Wolf wrote back that Mr. Jackson "has never resided" at that address, which is a senior living facility called Guild House. At a fit and trim age 53, Mr. Jackson hardly qualifies for a retirement home.

Mr. Jackson's MySpace page still lists one of his main "general interests" as "Killing Crakkkas." Four days after the Justice Department dropped the complaint against Mr. Jackson, he again was named an official election poll watcher for the Democratic primary in Philadelphia's municipal election. How convenient.

Black panthers case dismissed by DOJ official

Watch the video (linked in this article) and try to understand why this case of blatant voter intimidation was dismissed--after having been won--and it came straight from the top.
[Obama] and his appointees are turning out to be motivated by a benighted view of America which has not changed since 1960, even though American society — in a way unseen in the history of the world — has indeed fundamentally changed. The regressive views of those who style themselves “progressive” are patently absurd and surely will contribute to the president’s falling popularity. He is not what voters were led to believe.
But his post-racial claim is not the only thing being discredited this week. The high-minded civic posture of PFAW, the ACLU, and the NAACP also are undercut by their inaction in the face of this politically motivated failure to punish a clear violation of the Voting Rights Act — an act that will surely lead to more such conduct by similar groups in Democratic controlled areas of the country.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Creepy...when did conformity become appealing?

And where is the revolutionary generation? Everyone wearing the same clothes, jumping together and doing the same thing. Ugh. 

Gates & Obama vacationing at Martha's Vineyard

Wow. Never thought of it this way. Good catch. 
Imagine: a distinguished Ivy League professor arrives home by chauffeur driven limousine to his digs in an exclusive Cambridge neighborhood. Within minutes of his arrival a police officer, in an attempt to protect his property, shows up to investigate a possible burglary in progress (good luck getting that rapid response in your neighborhood).

Now, rather than thank the good officer for his dedication and timeliness you accuse him of racism? Better yet, stand on your front porch and yell at the top of your lungs how he “doesn’t know who he’s messing with!”

U2 band's eco-footprint

Yeah, sure, you like the band. But aren't they cognizant of the amount of CARBON they burn with their world concerts? Just askin.' 
But U2 managers said the protests meant more than 50 trucks carrying much of the band's 390-ton stage, TV screens, lighting and sound equipment missed their intended morning ferry.

Some trucks did depart the stadium several hours late as protesters stood aside. But tour organizers said it was too soon to determine whether any of U2's tightly scheduled concert dates in Sweden, Germany and Poland would be affected.

[SNIP]   Berry said singer Bono, guitarist The Edge, bassist Adam Clayton and drummer Larry Mullen Jr. were told of the Dublin disruption about 5 a.m. Tuesday as their private jet landed in Nice, France, where they are staying in between European gigs.

He said the band felt "pure disappointment. It's just really put a damp squib (sponge) on something that was a fantastic experience and fantastic show."

African American cops support Crowley

Disapprove of Obama. 

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Press compromises itself-meets its Waterloo

Read it at Town Hall:
But the day after the Post canceled — postponed, really — its fund-raiser/Democratic schmooze-a-thon, about 30 White House correspondents frolicked as special guests of President Obama's Independence Day barbecue. Blogging, Twittering and reporting on the event were prohibited, the invitation said, because the White House didn't want the public to find out it was trying to subvert the First Amendment. "If you feel that you cannot agree to abide by these ground rules, please don't claim a ticket." The list of left-wing outlets that swore the Obama Oath of Secrecy reads like the who's who of the elite media: The Post, The New York Times, Newsweek, Time, ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN. Their correspondents left the party that much more beholden to their host and that must less impartial and trustworthy in the eyes of the public.

"Retarded" term agitates populace

The health care bill was apparently written by brilliantly sensitive staffers, just like the brilliantly sensitive automatons who will be in charge of our doctors. Read about it here:

The proposed health-insurance bill from the House of Representatives refers to mentally disabled people as "retarded" -- a term advocates, relatives and physicians find outdated and offensive.

The bill refers to: "A hospital or a nursing facility or intermediate-care facility for the mentally retarded . . ."

Friday, July 24, 2009

The American people are waking up

Read Ben Stein here:

Now, the American people are starting to wake up to the truth. Barack Obama is a super likeable super leftist, not a fan of this country, way, way too cozy with the terrorist leaders in the Middle East, way beyond naïveté, all the way into active destruction of our interests and our allies and our future.
The American people have already awakened to the truth that the stimulus bill -- a great idea in theory -- was really an immense bribe to Democrat interest groups, and in no way an effort to help all Americans.
Now, Americans are waking up to the truth that ObamaCare basically means that every time you are sick or injured, you will have a clerk from the Department of Motor Vehicles telling your doctor what he can and cannot do.

Obama below 50%

At last, reality catches up. And it bites. 
Overall, 49% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance, RASMUSSEN will report later this morning.

This marks the first time his overall approval rating has ever fallen below 50% among Likely Voters nationwide. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove. 

Eighty-three percent (83%) of Democrats continue to approve of the President'’s performance while 80% of Republicans disapprove. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 37% offer a positive assessment. 

Obama overexposed? Nah....

Read it at The New York Times: 
Past presidents have been more exclusive in giving exclusives, believing they would have more impact. In their first four months, Mr. Clinton gave 11 interviews and Mr. Bush gave 18, compared with 43 by Mr. Obama, according to Martha Joynt Kumar, a presidential communications scholar at Towson State University. That has accelerated in recent days as Mr. Obama popped up in venues like“Anderson Cooper 360” on CNN and “Dr. Nancy” on MSNBC.