Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Once you accept the science

(cough cough choke) You can accept the fact that they are still using GWB as a whipping post and decrying the state of the planet, even as we go into the coldest September in recent memory.
John Kerry has written an op-ed for the Huffington Post comparing the inaction in response to a heating planet to the inaction of President Bush before September 11th.

Kerry reaches deep into the bag of global warming hysterics to uncork this piece, saying that the fate of the nation hinges upon the passing of some sort ofclimate change legislation.

Right wingers are terrorists

Yeah, especially on 9.11. I don't know about you, but 9.11 is a sacred date for me. I don't consider it time for tomfoolery. Read it at NewsBusters:
On Monday, Jonah Goldberg at The Corner forwarded a shocking page from the Organizing for America website (mybarackobama.com) that promoted setting aside 9/11 as a day to call Senators to pass a Public Option as they “fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists.” They also suggest conservatives are "the heirs of yes, bin Laden."