Colonel Hazard
Don't Give Up The Ship!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The North Korea problem
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Someone knocks sense into the Washington Post
Carbon credit scammers ruin lives
It's the carbon, stupid
More-on BO's date night
Obama on date night
An unhealthy fascination...
San Diego backs down on pastor holding Bible studies
The Canadians and the Russians get it....
The reason for the tea parties, in case you didn't...
Party til you drop!!
Good for thee, but not for me....
Larry Summers a voice of reason? Not anymore
Dam* the First Amendment when it comes to dissing ...
Sugar cookies persuade terrorists in BO's world!!!
Stimulus awarding bad behavior? Mais, NON!
Black Panthers' case....dismissed?
BO use a relative's experiences for political purp...
Bible studies outlawed in San Diego?
Paint it white!!!
Closing of dealerships partisan?
Striking garbage workers trash neighborhood
Car dealerships' closings political? Update
VAT tax coming?
California salaries
Car dealership closings political??
The North Korea problem
Obama's words on obligation to redistribute wealth
New show on environmental extremists
Millionaires disappear from Maryland
Malkin cautions
Controversy rages
Memorial Day, 2009
Obama transferring torture reins to allies
Schwarzenegger's boondoggle worsens
Surviving on $1.98 a month
Obama's idea to tax Americans overseas meets resis...
Govt wants us all to drive cars that get 35 mpg
We are out of money...Obama admits it
The American Thinker has a novel idea
Waterboarding...the horror
Renovating Private Parking Garages for U.S. House ...
Shame! Shame! Congress tries to trick public
Govt steals from teachers' pensions
Democrats introduce bill to mandate vacation
A Call to Action
Heh. Reusable grocery bags often contaminated with...
1 in 7 detainees return to terrorism
Credit card offenders to be bailed out by the comp...
California's tax bashers win
Cars to look forward to in the near future
Frauds in LA up to usual tricks
Obama a lightworker--not human
Hitchens comments on Sykes
Obsessed over Obama?
One theory why Obama pushed his agenda at Notre Dame
Graduation speech: Yes, we can! Kill our children!
Ca spends $700,000 to host Michelle O, in face of ...
The only option?
A comment on abortion
Atheists unliked? Who could imagine?
Extreme liberal changes course on Gitmo
Ever heard of Saul Alinsky?
The left gets nasty with The One
NYT Economics reporter is a moron
Health care to be destroyed by nationalization
Thousands attend Corona tea party!
The left controls the culture
Why is Ford surviving GM?
Great. Next they'll be going after my Cheetos.
Loyal Hollywood seeks to rehab Iranian president
Na Na Nee Boo Boo
Coalition forms to limit reach of health care plan
They lied to make sure no one complains
Who's spending all that money? BARACK OBAMA,HYPOCRITE
Shame, shame
No, I didn't!!
More Americans pro=life than pro-abortion
If you don't lie,
Big Brother is firing you
Panetta distances himself from Pelosi
Surprise! Activist appointed to head CDC
Will Nancy be hoisted on her own petard?
Govt writing checks to dead people-and we want the...
Cap and trade will devastate economy
Powerline asks: Can Pelosi survive?
Yeah, right. Blame it on Bush.
Gulp! Smile! Gulp!
Michelle O more stunning than padma lakshmi
What did she know and when did she know it?
The Obama Card: drowning your country in debt
UNBELIEVABLE! Obama says we can't keep borrowing f...
Nancy Pelosi-Torturer??
Who's going to stop this?
Health care rationing on its way
Obama using supplemental budgeting
A word about the MS. California mess...
Obama's spending
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